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bicycle rental

bicycle rental

The Vic Tourist Office offers a mountain bike rental service linked to the Vic Center BTT of Vic.
Users can rent and pick up bicycles at the Youth Hostel Canonge Collell, the starting point of most signposted mountain bike routes and headquarters of the center's reception point.

- Bikes available

Thirteen bicycles, for adults and children equipped with tools and helmet set.
Two seats for the smallest suitable for adult bikes.
Bicycles are rented with 1 helmet and 1 set of tools

- Prices

1 HOUR4€
2 HOURS 6€
3 HOURS 8€
1/2 DAY 10€
1 DAY 15€

- Conditions

Meeting, on the one hand, the representative of the entity that owns the point of reception (City Council of Vic C. Ciutat, 1 08500 - Vic NIF P- 0829900J) and the other the tenant, the data and whose signature is contained in this document, recognizing full capacity to contract and compel have agreed to this rental contact with the following conditions:

  • The Vic City Council rents the number of bicycles, over time for the amount of euros indicated. In the event that the tenant does not return the bicycle or bicycles without notice and with no prorogation agreement, its intention is to be stolen, so the titular entity reserves the right to, without any other procedure proceeding Judicially if you think it is necessary. All disputes that may exist will be exclusively the responsibility of the Courts of Catalonia.
    The tenant considers the conditions under which the bicycle is considered as good and the owner of any personal injury or third parties who may suffer during the rental period of the bicycle are not responsible.
    The tenant accepts the responsibility, in any circumstance, of the damages that are not of normal use (they are of normal use: brakes, cables, burst of a wheel and problems of chain), robberies and lost that s 'offers the bicycle and it will pay the total cost up to 300 euros.

In accordance with the provisions of current legislation on data protection, we inform you that the data requested in this form is incorporated into an automated file, owned by the City Council of Vic, and will be used to manage the requested services and / or to offer you information about the Vic Plana Center of Vic. If you wish to make use of the right of access, rectify the cancellation of your data, send a letter to the Registry of the City Council of Vic, Carrer de la Ciutat, 1 - 08500 Vic.