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Local produce

List of food that forms part of the traditional cuisine of Osona, including pork products and local produce.

Pork products (llonganissa, somalla and other cured sausages…), black truffle, Vic onions, pa de pessic (sponge cake), game, honey, cheese (including blue cheese), wild mushrooms, Collsacabra beans and market garden produce are just some of the stars of local cuisine in Osona.

llonganissaLlonganissa: produced in various towns in the area of the Vic Plain, llonganissa is a dry-cured sausage made from lean pork and diced bacon fat, seasoned exclusively with salt and pepper. It holds the Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) seal, a guarantee of its quality and origin.


fuetSomalla is a cured sausage dried for a short period of time. In all likelihood, it was originally produced by accident during the curing process. It’s a very suitable cured sausage for the modern consumer: tasty and tender, with less salt and pepper than llonganissa.



tòfona negre

Black truffle: Black truffle is one of the natural jewels of the county. It comes from the forests and is harvested in winter. Osona, with Vic as its nerve centre, is one of the pioneering harvesting areas.




ceba vigatanaThe Vic onion is long, violet-coloured onion with a strong flavour. It is also known as the sweet onion because it was perceived as being so in the past, when tastes were different and due to the fact that it didn’t taste like other varieties.



pa de pessic

Pa de Pessic: a sponge cake sold in individual units and packed in boxes.





patates de BufetThe Bufet potato is a late variety, harvested at the end of September, which lasts more than 150 days. It has a fine skin and is suitable for boiling with the skin on, as well as making a great jacket potato. Its flesh is white, very creamy and full of flavour. It can be eaten simply boiled with olive oil drizzled over it.

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  • 18°C ·  4°C