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Accessible tourism

Accessible points

Vic is a city with something for everyone, a city full of history, fairs, markets, gastronomy, a city whose cultural vitality makes it especially attractive. Vic’s rich history is present in the streets and squares of the historical centre, where buildings in all sorts of architectural styles can be found. The historical centre and museum are accessible for visitors in wheelchairs and offer activities and guided tours especially adapted for people with disabilities.

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Audio guides

The Vic Tourist Office offers an audio guide service for self-guided tours of the city’s historical centre. The audio guide offers a dynamic, fun, educational and exciting presentation of the city. Visitors can listen to the explanations in Catalan, Spanish, French and English. There is also a special version with more descriptive explanations for the visually impaired. Dynamic, educational and accessible tourism

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Looking through Touch

“Looking Through touch” at the Leather Art Museum: a tactile and visual space that complements and facilitates the contents of the permanent exhibition, especially adapted for visitors with visual impairments, blindness or reduced mobility.

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Route around the Gurri River - Els Frares Spring

Restoration of the riverside woodland of the Gurri River between its confluence with the Mèder River and La Torre de Benages

Route around the Gurri River - Els Frares Spring - Read More…

Our recommendations

Weather in Vic

  • 16°C ·  4°C