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Art & Gastronomy

Guided tour of the Romanesque and Gothic art collections of the Episcopal Museum, a climb up the Romanesque bell tower of Vic Cathedral and a visit to the facilities of Casa Riera Ordeix to taste the famous Llonganissa de Vic (dry-cured sausage) and discover its artisanal production process.

We start at the MEV (Episcopal Museum of Vic) with a tour of its masterpieces from the Catalan Romanesque and Gothic periods. Then we climb up the cathedral bell tower to enjoy the view of the city. Finally, we visit the facilities of Casa Riera Ordeix, an artisanal dry-cured sausage company that produces the famous Llonganissa de Vic, discovering the sausage manufacturing process and tasting this prized product, an emblem of the city.

Riera Ordeix


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Weather in Vic

  • 21°C ·  9°C