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Josep Maria Sert

In recent years, Vic has become an essential place to visit in order to discover the work of Josep M. Sert (1874 - 1945).

Sert a la capella de la  Pietat
This artist produced a body of pictorial work for which he was considered the best mural painter of the 1930s. His works can be found across Europe and America; from New York’s Rockefeller Centre to the Society of Nations building in Geneva.

The commission to decorate Vic Cathedral meant that the painter’s name would forever be linked to that of the city. In addition to the cathedral, there are other venues housing works by Sert, together constituting the world’s most comprehensive collection of works by the painter.





Sert a la nau centralThe Cathedral

The nave contains the third and last of the decorative works that Sert designed for the cathedral. This work, completed in 1945, is his largest in terms of size and number of pieces. The collection comprises twenty-two compositions of great thematic complexity, considered the culmination of his work.

Opening times

Every day, from 10 am to 1 pm and from 4 pm to 7 pm

El Sucre Building

For some years the building housed 15 reproductions of the paintings from the Waldorf Astoria New York, painted in 1930 and entitled “Les Noces de Camacho”, in reference to an episode in the novel Don Quixote. Visitors can currently see 15 photographic reproductions of the works in their original size.

Opening times

Weekdays, from 9 am to 1 pm and from 4 pm to 6 pm

Sala Sert ajuntamentCasa de la ciutat (City Hall)

This room exhibits the work entitled “Expulsion of Heliodorus from the Temple”, dating from 1920-1921, fragments of “Homage to the East” and “Homage to the West” (from the decorative work produced for the cathedral and destroyed in 1936), and the work entitled “The Four Seasons”, dating from 1917-1920. This work, with a profusion of colours, was designed to decorate the dining room of the hunting lodge belonging to a palace in Chantilly, close to Paris. The painting “Els Segadors” (“The Reapers”) is exhibited in the Column Room. 

Opening times

Weekdays, providing that the room is not being used, and by appointment.

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  • 13°C ·  7°C